
Why Choose Flutter? Analyzing Statistics, Benefits, and Challenges 


Organizations worldwide are looking for ways to reach their customers where they are. It is not just a good-looking website that can help you do the job. A user-friendly mobile app is of the utmost necessity in today’s digital world. Now, which is the best mobile app development framework? This is a million-dollar question. Organizations and stakeholders often face difficulty deciding the best fit as per customers and business needs. To solve the puzzle here is the answer – Choose Google Flutter. Flutter cross platform app development framework has shown a significant upsurge in popularity over time.  


What are the reasons that make Google Flutter so immensely popular as a cross platform app development framework? And a go-to-choice for businesses?  


This blog highlights some interesting facts, and stats that reveal its reasons for popularity, the benefits of flutter for businesses associated with different sectors, and the challenges as well as considerations.  


Let’s begin with some interesting facts and stats about Google’s Flutter. 

Some Crucial Facts and Stats on Google Flutter 

Google’s Flutter has seen significant usage growth since its inception. It has been constantly increasing over the past few years. Undoubtedly, it is safe to say that Flutter is the future of mobile app development. The user base has increased by almost 2 million in just 2 years after its release. According to the research, Flutter has 104k followers on Reddit and 155k questions on Stack Overflow.   


A Detailed Overview of Flutter Facts & Stats:  

  • Popularity: As of 2024, Flutter consistently ranks high in developer surveys as a leading framework for cross-platform apps, due to its single code base and high performance.  
  • Download: Flutter has been downloaded 155 times and used in 155 million app development projects.  
  • Community: On GitHub, Flutter has over 150,000 stars from a large and active community.  
  • Developers’ Preference: According to a survey report, 93% of developers are satisfied with the Flutter framework, which has been consistent for the last three quarters. 
  • Adoption: Major companies like Alibaba, Google Ads, and BMW use Flutter for their apps.

Significant Business Benefits of Flutter 

There are substantial benefits of flutter for businesses venturing into mobile app development, especially as the most favourable frameworks in the realm of cross platform app solutions. Below is the checklist of some significant flutter benefits for businesses jotted down.  

1. Rapid Development

Flutter’s hot reload feature allows developers to instantly view changes, enhancing productivity and speeding up the development process. This capability reduces time-to-market significantly, a critical advantage in today’s fast-paced digital landscape. 

2. Single Codebase, Multiple Platforms 

By enabling development for both Android and iOS from a single codebase, Flutter streamlines maintenance efforts and ensures consistent app performance across different platforms. This approach saves time and resources and simplifies updates and feature rollouts. 

3. Customizable UI Components 

Flutter offers a rich set of customizable widgets and tools, empowering developers to create stunning and intuitive user interfaces. This flexibility benefits businesses aiming to differentiate their apps with unique branding and user experiences. 

4. Enhanced Performance 

Flutter apps are known for their high performance and smooth user experience. By compiling native ARM code, Flutter eliminates the need for a JavaScript bridge, resulting in faster startup times and less laggy interactions than hybrid frameworks. 

5. Cost Efficiency 

Adopting Flutter can lead to significant cost savings over the app’s lifecycle. Maintaining a single codebase for multiple platforms reduces development and maintenance costs, making it a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes. 

Challenges and Considerations 

Despite the numerous benefits of Flutter, businesses should consider several factors when adopting Flutter framework for app development: 

1. Learning Curve 

Developers new to Flutter may require time to familiarize themselves with its Dart programming language and reactive programming model. However, investment in learning can yield substantial long-term benefits in terms of development speed and app performance 

2. Platform-Specific Features 

While Flutter provides access to a broad range of cross-platform APIs, integrating platform-specific features or hardware functionalities may require additional customization or plugins. 

3. Community and Ecosystem 

Flutter’s community is rapidly growing, but businesses should evaluate the availability of third-party libraries and support for specific project requirements. Assessing the ecosystem’s maturity can help mitigate potential integration challenges. 

4. App Size Optimization 

Flutter apps include a runtime and framework, which may increase the initial app size. Techniques like tree shaking and code splitting can help optimize app size and improve performance. 

Final Say  

In conclusion, Flutter emerges as a powerful tool for businesses seeking efficient and scalable cross platform app development solutions. The critical benefits of flutter, i.e. development speed, cost efficiency, and performance ease make it a compelling choice for modern app development initiatives. While navigating through its learning curve and considering specific project requirements, leveraging Flutter can unlock significant advantages and ensure a robust mobile app presence across diverse platforms.  

Looking for expert guidance to harness the power of Flutter? Partner with us today

Let’s Talk


1. What is Flutter, and how does it work?

Flutter is an open-source UI software development toolkit created by Google. Developers can create Android, iOS, web, and desktop applications from a single codebase. Flutter works by compiling the Dart programming language into native code, which allows it to achieve high performance and a smooth user experience on different platforms. The framework includes a rich set of pre-designed widgets and tools, enabling developers to create visually attractive and highly responsive applications

2. How does Flutter compare to other cross-platform frameworks like React Native or Xamarin?

Flutter often outperforms other cross-platform frameworks like React Native and Xamarin due to its:

  • Performance: Direct compilation to native code enhances performance.  
  • UI Consistency: Own rendering engine ensures consistent UI across platforms.   
  • Development Speed: The hot reload feature enables fast iteration cycles.   
  • Community and Support: Rapidly growing community with strong Google backing.   

3. Is Flutter suitable for building complex mobile applications?

Yes, Flutter’s robust set of tools, customizable widgets, and high-performance architecture make it suitable for developing complex and feature-rich mobile applications tailored to specific business needs.   

About the Author


Sujoy Roy
(Head – Digital Marketing)


From my teenage time, I had a quench to solve problems and loved leadership. Starting my career in relation management, ignited my passion for managing people. While managing I realized technology needs to be incorporated to keep pace with the changing world & do my work efficiently.