Challenges in hiring remote team for an IT project (2nd of 3)

In earlier post, we covered the ‘communication’, the top most challenge while working with remote teams. Now, I want to bring the 2nd challenge to your attention. This one is not only relevant to remote IT development or outsourcing, but also to almost all new professional tie-ups, which face this challenge.


I’m talking about ‘TRUST’ here.


Each one of us looks for either the best services or the best products, within our budget. We all look for resources across the world also for achieving this same purpose. However, take a pause and consider, that working with a new team is like starting a new relationship. You have no idea how it going to turn out, it is a perfect catch 22 situation. The only way this becomes easier is when both ends demonstrate trust-building measures, or willingness to commit to the relationship, which helps in going to the next level.


I personally meet and communicate with multiple people from different countries for the work and unsurprisingly, most have at least one bad remote team/outsourcing story. Remember, due diligence is important to start the trust journey. There are multiple B2B reviews & rating websites available like the where you can find a reliable list of vendors, (we are also rated very highly there). Still, one can’t be sure of the kind of experience they will have, and the hat has to be thrown across the fence.


We have seen that whenever we start working with any new client, initially, there could be wariness because of past bad experiences. The client may be tentative at the start and may have apprehensions on whether we can deliver on our word or live up to our promises. I view this as a very good thing especially early into the relationship, it helps to keep everyone on their toes and provides an opportunity to build the trust.


Finding a reliable remote team or outsourcing partner shouldn’t be a trial-n-error method but that’s the way things are. The problem is that in this whole process, any setback could lead to a lot of heartburn, revenue loss, and project delays.


So what shall we do? Should you go for a remote team or not?


One of our clients gave us a wonderful solution to this situation. He was looking for a multi-year engagement and suggested to start the engagement with a 1-month trial at 50% cost in case of engagement not working out. We agreed with a commitment of a larger contract and full costing at the end of the first month only if all went well along. Thus remaining 50% payment for the first month along with the first month acting as a trial period became a risk cover for both parties.


This allowed the client to judge without making a big commitment that too at a discounted cost. Due to smaller risks, the decision happened quickly and this saved us a lot of time. It also allowed us to understand more about the client, work, expectations, and alignment in organization values. We had a much larger contract at the end of the first month (obliviously we performed well🙂 ), thus making it a win-win situation for both of us. It has been more than 1.5 years and that relationship has only gotten stronger with time.


If you are planning to hire a remote team or you have a project with a longer-term in mind, we will be happy to have the same rules of engagement for you as well. You can reach us at [email protected] or book a time directly with me here

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